To graduate from Holy Name High School, both the Holy Name High School graduation requirements and the state of Ohio graduation requirements, which include proving to be ‘college and career ready’ by reaching certain scores on state-approved graduation tests, must be met.
To qualify for graduation from Holy Name, a student must complete a minimum of 25 credits of the required and elective courses as indicated below. Holy Name consistently encourages its students to exceed 25 credits as students prepare to be college and career ready.
Theology: 4 credits
English: 4 credits
Math: 4 credits (Includes Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry)
Science: 3 credits (Includes Biology, Chemistry)
Social Studies: 3 credits (Includes World History, U.S. History, U.S. Government)
Foreign Language: 2 credits
Fine Arts: 1 credit
Financial Literacy: .5 credit
Health: .5 credit
Physical Education: .5 credit
PE Waiver: 0 credit (PE requirement fulfilled/credit not awarded)
Electives: 2.5 credits (Should be selected to enhance curriculum)
Every student must earn a state minimum of 20 credits (minus Theology) in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Fine Arts, Health, Physical Education and electives. (This is achieved by meeting all of Holy Name’s graduation requirements as indicated above.)
Additionally, each student must either:
Earn “REMEDIATION FREE” scores on the ACT. A student must meet the minimum ‘benchmark’ scores, as established by the Ohio Department of Education, on the following ACT subtests:
• English – 18 or higher
• Mathematics – 22 or higher
• Reading – 22 or higher
Students may take the ACT multiple times in an attempt to reach the required scores, and students may ‘super score’ on the ACT to reach the required scores.
Earn “REMEDIATION FREE” scores on the IOWA Assessments. The state of Ohio has established minimum passing scores and a point system for the following seven IOWA subtests.
• ELA: English 1 and English 2
• Math: Algebra 1 and Geometry
• Science (Biology) AND Social Studies (American History and American Government)
A minimum of 18 points total is required for graduation. Students may take the IOWA Assessments multiple times to attain the required scores.
All juniors will take the ACT in March at Holy Name even if they have already taken the ACT on another date, or have earned the scores necessary on the IOWA Assessments to graduate. The State of Ohio will be paying for that ACT administration.
If a student obtains ‘remediation free’ scores on the ACT, regardless of when the student takes the ACT, he/she has met the state of Ohio’s graduation requirements.
If a student does not earn all the required benchmark scores on that test administration, he/she could continue to take the ACT on upcoming dates.
Holy Name will continue to offer the IOWA Assessments to students who do not meet all of the benchmark scores on the ACT or the IOWAs.
A student must earn the required scores on the ACT OR on the IOWA Assessments. In other words, a student can NOT achieve some passing scores on the ACT and some passing scores on the IOWA Assessments and have that count towards the state of Ohio’s graduation test requirements. It is all or nothing; ALL required scores on the ACT OR ALL required scores on the IOWA Assessments are required to achieve the state of Ohio’s graduation test requirements.
Holy Name High School will track and record each student’s graduation test results. However, please note that Holy Name students are required to have ACT scores sent to Holy Name so they may be documented and recorded.
Holy Name will automatically receive the students’ scores from the March ACT administration at Holy Name. For the school to receive a student’s scores from other ACT administrations, the student must have the scores sent to Holy Name. If not, the school will be unable to track a student’s ACT scores.