For many, the visual arts provide an outlet that allows them to express themselves and depict how they are feeling through painting, sculpture,
photography, etc. Holy Name values this avenue of expression and is committed to sustaining a strong Fine Arts Department through this new scholarship opportunity.
The Holy Name Art Scholarship is open to students currently in 8th grade that are interested in applying to Holy Name High School for the 2025-2026 school year. Scholarships ranging from $500 - $1,000 will be awarded to 2-3 students who show knowledge of art concepts and creativity through their independent artistic works.
To apply a student must complete the HN Art Scholarship Application and submit a digital portfolio by Monday, November 25, 2024.
Your portfolio should be a selection of your best 8 to 10 pieces of art. Fewer than 8 doesn't allow you to show the breadth of your skills; more than 10 may dilute your overall portfolio submission. Sketchbook pages are highly encouraged, as it allows us to see your thinking process. Try not to include work copied from photographs or other published work. We want to see how you think.
A student’s portfolio will be evaluated by the HN Art Department for technical ability, conceptual problem-solving skills, creativity, and choice of medium. A strong portfolio may include the following:
HN Art Application - Apply Here
All digital portfolios should be submitted via email or Google Drive in to [email protected] - Subject Line Class of 2029 Art Scholarship Portfolio
Students will be contacted by the Week of December 9 with feedback and information regarding scholarship eligibility.
Additional HN Fine Art Department Information: